Soakaway Crate.

Easy to assemble, easy to install, cost-effective soakaway crates.

The CORE WATER CRATE is designed to create easily assembled, efficient and cost-effective soakaway solutions on domestic and commercial projects, suitable for placing underneath gardens and driveways.

A robust crate that will stand the test of time, it has a non-woven membrane that enables water to get in, where it can collect before slowly infiltrating back into the ground at a natural pace. This helps to alleviate flooding and hydrostatic pressure, which can damage buildings and retaining walls.

  • Durable and robust
  • Suitable for gardens and driveways 
  • Helps alleviate hydrostatic pressure
  • 80gsm high quality infiltration membrane included
  • Easy to assemble in six steps
  • Crate dimensions: 800 x 540 x 500mm (0.216m3)

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CORE WATER CRATES are produced directly by the team at CORE and are designed with more than 40 years of industry experience in mind. We know how important it is for landscaping products to work effectively and stand the test of time. For that reason we are dedicated to using premium materials for optimum strength and durability. 

These are some of the key benefits of using CORE WATER CRATES:

Easy to Assemble.

The CORE WATER CRATE is easy to assemble in just six steps. Arriving flat-packed, the walls and support tubes simply slot into the base plate and the lid locks in to hold it all in place.

Please download our assembly guide to see just how easy it is.



Infiltration Membrane Included.

The CORE WATER CRATE comes with a high quality, 80gsm infiltration membrane included and already cut to size. The membrane lets water flow in easily while preventing sediment build up in the crate, before helping to control the water flow back into the soil at a natural pace. All you have to do is wrap it and use a small piece of tape to hold it in place. 

*For multi-crate installs a single larger membrane can be used to wrap several crates at once to speed up installation.

More Efficient and Structurally Sound.

The CORE WATER CRATE has been designed to offer the latest in drainage technology, moving away from inefficient traditional soakaways, in favour of intelligent, structurally sound solutions for rainwater management. This innovative approach gives the CORE Water Crate up to 95% greater capacity than other solutions, complete with a lightweight frame for easy installation, whilst also offering incredible strength.

Frequently Asked Questions.

How do I know if a soakaway crate is a good idea for my project?

If you have existing drainage problems after rainfall (easily identified by waterlogged areas) then the construction of a soakaway or an alternative means of drainage is essential! Soakaways don’t work in heavy clay soils because the water collected in the soakaway can’t filter out into the surrounding ground. You can test the ground or ask your local Building Control, they will know your soil type and be able to advise and If the ground is not suitable, you still have other options. Collecting and storing water then pumping it to another area of your garden where you need it is a great idea, or discharging into a sewer, again if a soakaway won’t work in your location your Local Building Control Department will be able to confirm your best option.

How do I test my ground conditions to see if a soakaway crate is suitable for my project?

You will need to carry out a percolation test:

First dig a small square hole 300mm x 300mm at the depth of invert (this is where your drainage pipe will feed into the soakaway crate)

Fill the hole with water and leave it to soak overnight, come back and check it next morning.

Now refill the hole, watch and time how long the water takes to seep away from the 75% point to the 25% point (this is 150mm), then calculate as follows.

This should be done in a few areas across your proposed driveway or adjacent lawn area then take an average from the readings.

Where do I position my soakaway crate?

A soakaway must be at least 5 metres from the house and 2.5 metres from your neighbours’ fence. The pipe flowing to the soakaway should be 100mm underground waste ideally, but the Building Inspector may settle for 75mm, and it should be laid to a fall of 1:40. Soakaways need to have a firm base especially if they are under vehicular traffic, if possible its always easier to construct a soakaway under a lawn or pedestrian area to reduce the amount of work required.

What size does my soakaway need to be?

This depends on the ground conditions around the soakaway crate. A very general rule of thumb is; 1 cubic metre (1 m3) for a 50m2 drive and 2 cubic metres (2m3.) for a 100m2 drive (or 50m drive with a steep gradient) and always remember to allow for you roof area if you are discharging both into the same soakaway. Either way for your soakaway to work properly it has to be able to discharge the incoming water quicker than it fills up.

there a number of ways to calculate the size of soakaway required… The most commonly used in the industry is:
Soakaway Volume = Area x (Rainfall Rate/3000)
For a standard 60m2 roof or driveway in the UK the calculation would be:
60m2 x (50mm/3000) = 1m3 volume
This means you would require 5 of our CORE Water Crates to create a 1m3 soakaway. In other words, 1 crate should be used for every 10-12m2 of area to be drained.

How deep does my soakway need to be?

As a general rule of thumb for a driveway of around 100m2 is, the bottom of a soakaway should be at least 1.5m down this will allow the pipe to fall toward the soakaway at a 1:40 fall and reach the top of the crate. Leaving maximum clear space below the invert level (the level that the pipe enters into the top of the soakaway) in this case 1m. This will give the soakaway a good volume to collect water in and more chance to slowly infiltrate that water back into the surrounding soil, if the pipe enters lower down the soakaway you will not get full use of the void created by the soakaway crate, as the ground  surrounding the soakaway crate begins to become saturated the pipe will begin to back fill and water is therefore more likely to stay on the surface.

For larger surface areas the depth to the bottom of the hole could be as much as 2.5m or consider more shallow soakaways at various locations.

How much of driveway area will drain into my soakaway?

This depends on the type of surface you choose, impermeable non porous surfaces such as concrete or macadam will cause more run off, which will need to drain into your soakaway where as porous surfaces such as Resin Bound or Gravel Stabilisers will drain across their entire area, allowing water back into the ground at source feeding the thousands of tiny aquifers that in turn feed into larger water courses and form a vital part of natures food chain, sustaining micro organisms necessary to keep natures,  natural balance in place.

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